March 2025

sat. 1 

sun. 2

Mon 3 st. katherine drexel, virgin

Tues. 4 st. casimir

wed. 5  ash wedensday

thurs. 6 

fri. 7 sts. perpetua and felicity, martyrs

sat. 8 st. john of god, religious

sun. 9

mon. 10

tues. 11 

wed. 12 our holy mother st. teresa’s canonization

thurs. 13 

fri. 14 

sat. 15

sun. 16 

mon. 17 st. patrick, bishop

tues. 18 st. cyril of jerusalem, bishop and doctor of the church

wed. 19 solemnity of our holy father st. joseph, spouse of the virgin mary

thurs. 20 

fri. 21 

sat. 22

sun. 23

mon. 24 

tues. 25 solemnity of the annunciation of the lord

wed. 26

thurs. 27

fri. 28 Our holy mother st. teresa of avila’s birthday!

sat. 29

sun. 30

mon. 31